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How often should I water my snake plant?

How often should I water my snake plant? - Proline Range Hoods

You just bought a snake plant, but you’re not sure how to take care of it. You really don’t want your new plant to die!

You wonder: how often should I water my snake plant?

Touch the soil every few days to see if it’s dry or crumbly. If the soil is dry, it’s time to water your snake plant. Generally, once a week works great. Smaller snake plants may last up to two weeks between watering while larger snake plants may require watering every two to three days.

Why is my snake plant drooping?

Your snake plant is probably overwatered. Touch the soil to see if it’s dry or moist. Don’t water your snake plant until the soil is dry again. If overwatering isn’t the problem, consider repotting your snake plant. The fresh nutrients in the soil can help revitalize the plant.

Your snake plant might be outgrowing its pot too. So moving it to a larger pot with more nutrient-rich soil will allow it to flourish.

Learn more about how to care for a snake plant in this complete guide.

Why is my snake plant turning yellow?

Your snake plant is likely turning yellow due to overwatering. Snake plants don’t need a lot of water. Typically, if the top half of the soil is dry, you should water your snake plant.

The easiest way to check soil moisture is to stick your finger into the soil. Be careful not to damage the plant. You can also invest in a soil moisture meter. These meters typically measure moisture content by color: green for adequate moisture, yellow or red for dry soil, and blue for oversaturated soil.

How much light does a snake plant need?

Snake plants do not need a lot of light to thrive. It’s good for your snake plant to get at least six hours of indirect sunlight per day but they also grow in low-light environments.

For optimal light, there are a few areas you can place your snake plant:

  • Set your snake plant eight to ten feet away from a south-facing window. South-facing windows offer the brightest, most intense light.
  • Set your snake plant near an east-facing window for medium light from the morning sun.
  • Set your snake plant near a west-facing window for medium light from the evening sun.

The less light your snake plant receives, the slower it will grow.

How can I tell if my snake plant needs water?

Here are five signs that your snake plant needs water.

  1. Leaves are brown
  2. Leaves are curling
  3. Leaves are wrinkly and brittle
  4. The top layer (2-3 inches) of soil is dry
  5. Slow growth

How can I tell if my snake plant is overwatered?

Here are four signs that your snake plant is overwatered.

  1. Soft leaves
  2. Soil smells (an early indicator of root rot)
  3. Drooping leaves
  4. Yellow leaves

Why is my snake plant curling?

A snake plant curls due to underwatering, over-exposure to sunlight, or pests, like thrips. Poke your finger a few inches into the soil to see if it’s dry. If so, water your snake plant. Also, it may be a little too close to a window. Move it away from the window or out of direct sunlight.

Pests are a little harder to manage. Most pests damage the leaves of your snake plant so inspect them carefully. Look for small black spots on the leaves to find thrips. You’ll want to remove all the infected leaves and wipe off the leaves with some rubbing alcohol. If too many leaves are infected, you’ll have to throw away the plant.

Here’s a guide on how to save your snake plant from different types of pests.

What soil should I use for my snake plant?

Use a free-draining soil mix for your snake plant. Free-draining soil is soil that doesn’t readily absorb water. It drains easily out of the plant and into the bottom tray. Since snake plants don’t need a lot of water, free-draining soil is perfect for them. It reduces the risk of root rot which is perpetuated by moist soil that doesn’t drain efficiently.

Remove excess water from the saucer every week so a pool of water doesn’t form.

What size pot do I need for a snake plant?

The pot for your snake plant should be about ¼ to ⅓ larger than the plant’s root ball. For example, if your root ball is eight inches, you’ll want about a 10” pot for your snake plant. Snake plants like to be a little crowded, but you want the plant to have some room to grow.

How tall does a snake plant grow?

The leaves on a snake plant range from one to four feet tall. Some larger snake plants have leaves that can grow taller than four feet.

Why is my snake plant not growing?

Chances are your snake plant is not getting enough water or light. Snake plants can survive on little water, so make sure it has enough light first. You don’t want your snake plant in direct sun all the time. But setting it next to an east or west-facing window is a great idea. Or place it a few feet away from a south-facing window.

How quickly does a snake plant grow?

Snake plants grow quite slowly, only a few inches during the fall, spring, and summer. You might see two or three new leaves per season too, sometimes more. It will grow very little during the winter.

Why is my snake plant flowering?

Your snake plant may bloom if it doesn’t get a lot of water but does get a lot of light. But a blooming snake plant is extremely rare. This is essentially a last-ditch effort by the snake plant to survive.

How do I revive my snake plant?

Place your snake plant in an area with indirect light. If the soil is dry, water your snake plant. It should be kept at room temperature to facilitate growth. If leaves are infected with a pest, remove those leaves. You can also repot the plant to give it fresh soil or more room to grow.

How long can a snake plant go without water?

Most snake plants can last about two weeks without water. The larger the snake plant, the more often it needs water. Snake plants are durable, low-maintenance plants.

Why does my snake plant have brown tips?

If the tips of your snake plant leaves start to brown, that’s a sign of overwatering. Before you water your snake plant, check that the top layer of soil (2-3 inches deep) is dry. If it is, your snake plant needs water. If not, wait a few days and check again before watering.

That wraps up our article on watering your snake plant and snake plant care. Remember that about once a week works for most snake plants. Larger plants may need more frequent watering.

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